Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011

We were wake early this morning when the phone rang, but no one responded to Mike's 'hello'.  I was mystified.  But when he looked on the caller id and realized the call had come from Troy's phone, Mike said, "Is this Mollie?  Hi Molly!  Happy Easter!  This is Pops!  Say Hi, Pops!"

Mollie didn't answer.  I suppose it surprised the 3 year old that there was someone's voice on the telephone she had swiped from her Daddy.  She listened to Mike (I mean Pops!) for a little while, then she hung up.  When Mike called back and talked to Troy, the two of them agreed that Mollie had pushed just the right button to call her Pops, so Troy gave her the phone and that time she did talk!  She said "Hi, Pops!"  And she said "Happy Easter Pops!"

A nice way to start today.  I had sent Easter cards to my great grandchildren and when I looked at my email this morning, my granddaughter let me know that Zoey's card had arrived in good time for the holiday.  I talked to my father on the computer microphone and told him Happy Easter.  At the church next door, everyone was dressed in their finery--the girls all wore hats, most of them with big floppy brims, and the boys and the men had on suit coats and neckties.  It was fun to watch the little ones in their Easter outfits outside this morning hunting easter eggs on the front steps and lawn of the church.

I am sure everyone had a big meal to continue the Easter celebration.  It talked to one of my cousins who told me she was fixing a big ham and inviting her husband's parents and brother over to eat dinner with her family.  Another cousin told me that her daughter and son-in-law were coming over with a smoked brisket and they'd all have Easter dinner together. Mike and I and Sonny were together.  Neither of them are walking much.  Mike is still recouperating from his knee surgery in early March and Mike 2 sprained his ankle last week then twisted the same ankle.  He decided today that he was going prop it up on pillows, wrap in in an Ace bandage, put ice on it...and, for as long as he can, stay off of it. Since I am the only one walking, I fixed a special dinner to say "Get Well Soon" and "Happy Easter".

The pasta and shrimp dish I fixed must have been good.  Both Mike and Mike2 cleaned up their plates and even though I made a lot, there were no leftovers.  I fed the dogs, and since it was Easter, I made sure they had yesterdays leftovers mixed in with their dog food.  And I gave Kayley the cat the last of the kitty treats left in the bag.  No dyed Easter eggs, but it was a happy Easter.

One unusual note, in 2011 both the Gregorian and the Julian calendars have designated April 24 as Easter.  Unique this year, the Orthodox faith celebrated the same day as Roman Catholic and Protestant churches.

In countries around the world, the Easter Egg is used to celebrate the holiday.

In Bosnia, a Bosnian Serb woman can be seen seated at a table decorating  eggs with melted wax in the southern  town of Banja Luka

In Germany one couple decorated a tree in their garden with 9,800 stunning Easter Eggs.

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