Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today has been absolutely beautiful, from the weather to the oniony smell of our new mowed lawn.  The days have begun getting noticeably longer.  Already it is after 7 pm and the sun is only now beginning to set and the horizon turn orange.  Mike has continued to heal rapidly and to do a little more every day.  He showed off today walking from the bedroom to the top of the livingroom stairs using only his cane.  He now takes his own showers without ado using his crutches and standing on one foot balancing himself with his other.  Yesterday we drove once again to Hot Springs because we had to take the wagon we bought at Big Lots on Monday back.  One of the posts that we were supposed to put a cotter pin through didn't have a hole to put the pin into.

I don't mind shopping.  It's that second trip to take back the things you bought that I don't like.  I was only in Big Lots for a minute, just long enough for them to put a credit on the card they had debited for the wagon two days before.  I'd meant, the next time I was there to get more of those cookies...because they went so fast I know they were really good...but like I said, I was only there long enough to get my money back on the wagon and I was out of there and on the way to Sam's Club to get some cookies, but we did buy some rosemary bread!  It was so good the amount we bought was not nearly enough for the three of us!  I'll have to buy some more of that one of these days!

Today was another good day.  This afternoon Mike went down to the garage and tried the tractor to see if it would start.  It did.  So then he decided to see if he would be uncomfortable sitting in the tractor seat, so he tried that.  That worked, so there was nothing else to do but drive off to see if the bumping of using the mower would bother him.  It didn't.  I think it might have been a little much though because he was back after only a couple of rounds of mowing the front yard before he got off and Mike2 took over the job.  Now it smells outside like fresh onion and new mowed lawn and it looks beautiful! 

We needed gas for the mower, and I drove into Bismarck for that.  There were an amazing number of people lined up in front of Hobo Joe's shaved ice trailer!  I went by Fisherman's and picked up hamburgers and brought them home, added cheese and bacon and dill pickles and we had supper.  Sometimes it's really nice not to need to cook.

Now, at sunset, it's quiet.  The wildflowers have been cut down.  Our lawn is now green, not the purples and whites of the little blooms and the tall green spikes of the wild onion grass that were there this morning.  It is hard for me to decide which is more beautiful, the spring or the fall, the winter or the summer.  Here in Arkansas, I look forward to each season as it comes and each season brings me views of the mountains and the skies and the trees that I don't remember having seen before.  The new has not worn off retirement in Arkansas yet...

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