Saturday, February 26, 2011

I like Mike. He's all right!

I wanted to put a note here to let all of you know that Mike went today to Little Rock to find out what exactly is wrong with his right knee. So many of my friends and family have told me to call to let you know how Mike fares and so many of you have added him to your prayers that I think a quick discussion here is in order.

Mike has what is called a 'large cell tumor' at the top of his tibia (the larger of the two calf bones). It will need to be removed so today Mike went to see a specialist, an oncology orthopedic surgeon at UAMS (University of Arkansas Medical School). That doctor examined his xrays and his MRI and his right knee and told Mike he is almost positive that the original diagnosis of a large cell tumor is right and that he does not see anything else that it might be. Mike had thought he would be getting a needle biopsy today and was not looking forward to that.  The doctor gave him a choice of a needle biopsy today or having a biopsy done immediately prior to his surgery that is scheduled for Monday March 7th. Mike chose the latter, and the doctor plans for him to come in very early on the date of his operation on the the tumor and first things first, have the biopsy done and get those results then complete the surgery and remove the tumor and follow up with some bone cementing and possibly some tissue repairs and set Mike onto the road to recouperation.  Today Mike had some tests, completed a pre-op and got a knee brace that he will be able to use now to protect his knee (and his tumor) from any new damage and then after the surgery he will have that same brace to protect his new stitches for a week or two while they heal completely.

I have to tell you that the UAMS hospital is huge...I think just that hospital  Little Rock is bigger than all of the whole town of Bismarck! I took some pics of the Capital building and of a row of birds sitting along the roofline above us when I looked out the hospital window. I am going to put off looking at them for now though and go play a little catchup with a few things I didn't get done today! I just wanted to let you know that all is well with us. Thank you all for your prayers... and don't stop now! It's working!!  If you want to call Mike, the number here is (501)865-1451 and the address here is 13308 Highway 84, Bismarck, AR 71929

Mike was smart enough to check online on the Little Rock News to see if the roads were clear before we left this morning and he found out there was a fuel truck overturned just north of Malvern and the very I-30 we had planned to travel on had traffic backed up in both directions for miles while they waited for HAZMAT to come and remove the fuel before it ignited. We took a different road and the trip to Little Rock might have been a little longer, but as we came into Benton and saw the traffic backed up on the interstate we were sure glad we went the long way around! It was a long day today and we were at the hospital from before 9 until after four this afternoon. And the road was clear sailing coming home this afternoon so it took us less than an hour to get back home again.  On the return trip we did see the site of this morning's accident...a single vehicle overturned fuel truck.  All along that stretch of I-30 you could smell the gasoline but the site was clear and the traffic moving.  There was a still one state trooper there removing debris.


I have not heard from my adopted Grandson that he is home safe from Iraq, but by my count, he has only another 4 days before he can catch a flight out of there.  He'll be home on his birthday which is April 25th.  I am not sure if he will be there to help his wife Kailia celebrate hers on March 2nd, but I hope so.  Happy Birthday Mrs. Maggard!  I hope you get the best present ever!

I did serve jury duty, but I am still in the pool so I might have to serve again before my quarter of service is up come April.  I hated serving.  It is too hard to decide the fate of someone else.  But I think we all did the right thing.  Although the defendant will spend a long time in prison, our jury is not completely responsible because the defendant had already committed several felonies and has charges still pending against him in another county to follow our verdict.  Still it was hard to listen while his mother cried and begged for mercy for her son.  I learned a lot about the way the jury system works in Arkansas, so although I did not like being on the jury, I did find it interesting.

SPRING IS HERE!  (I think)

This morning there are yellow and white daffodils blooming along my fence and the camelia bush below my kitchen window has burst into huge pink blooms.  I hear that we can expect another month of cold weather, and probably three months of rain and thunderstorms and even some tornado weather, but today the sun is shining and the birds are singing and the flowers are in bloom.  I don't know when the first day of spring is celebrated, but here I think I will celebrate today.  I am thinking that it is time to till the garden and start hanging the laundry outside instead of using the dryer.  I reckon I can use the exercise, actually.  I have been doing all the cooking and cleaning.  Mike always has been a big help with both things and now he not only is not any help, he needs someone to help him carry things and bring him things so he can use his crutches and so he can stay off his leg as much as possible.  It is wonderful that the doctor is going to do his surgery in only a week (after the weekend)!  Already I feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel and that Mike will be walking again before it is time to mow the lawn every week during the summer!   It is very much a relief to me that Mike will be all right...and soon!  Tomorrow is Sunday and as always on Sunday I look forward to a peaceful day...for me AND for you.

Our House is lovely in the spring.

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