Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My first blog entry is all about this Snow Day

It started snowing very early this morning, about 3 a.m.  By the time I woke up at 9 we had at least half an inch of the white fluffy stuff and it is still coming down.  I walked out on the back porch to knock the ice off the dogs' water dish and left tracks and those are all covered up now.

We have some little birds hiding out in our rain gutters so I put a box with a hole in it on the porch for them to hide from the snow in, but so far none have done so and the sunflower seeds I put next to and onto the box are completely buried in snow now so much for my being able to attract the birds to safety with those.  The cat wanted out, but so far she is just looking out through the few inches of opening that I left at the bottom of the garage door...hoping some bird will fly inside so she can catch it I presume.  She is the world's greatest birdcat but some days it is too cold to go hunt in the trees.  She put her little paw out into the snow outside the garage, but she drew it back in quick and settled down to sit around the corner from the opening of the door looking out, but not going outside.

The dogs are running and playing out in the back yard, refreshing their path along the bottom of the fence.  Gypsy (the wolf shepherd) seems to think it is beautiful out in the cold and that she is a puppy even though she is almost 12 years old.  Her two black lab puppies are turning white then black again when they shake the snow off.  Red and Blue come up onto the porch when I walk out on the breakfast nook.  Begging for food is their main occupation.  I gave them treats when I broke the ice on top of their water bucket this morning, but that only makes them know that more treats might be available.  They are not staying up on the porch out of the wind and snow, though...they seem to like it better making tracks out in the yard.

I don't think I am going to walk down the driveway to get the mail in the mailbox at the end today.  I have some new red rubber boots though, so I might.  It's just that to go to the mail box is a quick jaunt.  Coming back up the hill is not quite as easy as all that even when it's not snowing.  Last time it snowed, Mike drove down.  He didn't realize that it would be really icy and slick driving back uphill.  He backed up and drove forward a number of times before he got enough traction to slide his way back and forth across the driveway until he got back up to the house.  I think he decided that if the car ever moved forward he was not going to let up off the gas or let it stop again until he was all the way to the top.  I think there is a new movie down there in the mailbox, but I don't know for sure and don't think I really want to know.  But those new red boots and my warm coat are right by the back door...just in case I change my mind and decide I want to build a snow man

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