Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

The weather when I woke up on Sunday was beautiful.  Almost all of the snow had melted...just a few patches where the ice stayed snow covered because it was in the shadows and the warmer temperatures got rid of that pretty fast.  Such a lovely Sunday, almost springtime.  No hat or scarf, no gloves when I walked down to the mail box and Trinity's cat Kayley went along with me so she could chase the birds that had landed everywhere on the lawn...I saw robins and bluebirds and blue jays and sparrows and wrens and cardinals...I didn't know that different kinds of birds ever flocked together like that.

Yesterday we drove in to Hot Springs.  With all the leaves off the trees I saw things I had never seen before.  Mike's leg still gives him trouble so we didn't do any sight seeing (other than our good close up look at the road construction going on on Higdon Ferry Road that held up the traffic for a really long time before we were able to travel on).  We drove straight to the Sam's store and picked up all the things we had been conserving and doing without while the roadways were icy--mostly bread and milk, but we bought some tortilla chips and some Pace...can't live long without those!

Today is another beautiful day.  Spring is in the air!

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