Thursday, March 10, 2011

...from complete stop to full speed ahead

Yesterday in the late afternoon Mike got a cast on his knee to keep his leg immobile.  He'd waited all day, since 7 when Dr. Nicholas told him to expect it.  He is learning, a little at a time, to carry the cast while keeping his leg elevated even though you can tell his leg continues to hurt him.  It was after four when he got the cast, but the physical therapy transporter came and got him and took him down so he could learn how to move himself and do a few things even though he has a cast and needs to keep his leg straight.  When the leg hurts him less I hope he is able to walk much like normal on his crutches...but right now it looks painful and the thought of him needing to go up a few steps when he gets home is a little scary to me...probably a lot scary to him.  We had both caught up on our rest and last night we didn't sleep much.  A lazy time, waiting again to find out more about going home.  We watched American Idol on tv and that took up an hour of time.  Mostly we just sat quietly waiting.

Today after breakfast Physical Therapy came to get him again and now the hospital repair staff is in this room working on fixing the nurse call system while he is gone.  I am putting off doing anything like getting dressed and brushing my hair since the nurse call system is connected in the bathroom and above the bed both.  As soon as they are finished I'll take care of those things so when Mike comes back I'll be ready for us to be discharged.  I am not sure what effect my not having taken any of my blood pressure medication will have on me, but since I didn't think I would stay here I didn't bring along clean clothes or extra medication.

While the work crew makes its repairs I am putting a quick note here, thinking that if I actually mention it out loud the moving of Mike from the car into the house and up the steps to his bed, it won't be all that bad.

I will be glad to get back to the normal even though it still  entails my waiting on Mike while his leg heals and tending to him.  I am waiting to see how it will be driving to his appointments and other things that are new to me,  driving home from Little Rock, coming back to Little Rock for checkups to be sure all is well.  Even having a home health nurse come by for more physical therapy will be new.  And the probability of Mike having a replacement knee surgery still looms.  I'll deal with that later.

I can't help but remember Scarlet O'hara, "I'll think about that later."

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