Sunday, March 13, 2011

The time it is a changin'

All is well.  Mike is at home in his own bed and can get around using his walker or his crutches.  None of it is easy for him, but it gets better little by little.  He is a really good patient, listening, hearing what all the doctors and nurses and technicians have told him. practicing his exercises and his breathing, keeping up with a good diet and handling his own medication just the way he was told to do.

Things have changed so much over the years.  Looking at Mike's IV line, one shot in his hand made me think about when I was young and had my tonsils out and got so many shots in my right and left hips that I was not comfortable no matter how I'd lay and the doctor was looking for a new place to poke a needle for my antibiotic, which was pennicilliin since there was no other when I was twelve.  I am not sure that there would have been a way for them to do surgery on my knee without crippling me, or to fill an empty spot in my bone with cement.  I don't think anyone had invented bone cement yet in 1959.  The only thing I could see that had not changed were the hospital gowns that barely covered Mike and only closed and tied in two places...but even those were better...with snaps on the shoulders so they could be removed without going over a patient's head. Everything seems to change a little at a time...and later when you look back you are startled to see how far things have progressed.

Today is a beautiful day in this neighborhood.  A peaceful Sunday that makes it nice to open windows and makes me want to take my camera outside to make photographs of the wildflowers and grass stalks that abound in my yard.  I have spoken to my father via microphone using my Yahoo voice program and Mike has spoken to his 75 year old mother via telephone.  Both are fine and both are experiencing the same lovely springtime as the two of us. 

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